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“The Universe calls us. All we need do is listen.”

~Klaus Joehle

For all of modern history, magic has been an anomaly to the civilizations of Eiriond. The most ancient of texts, retrieved from the deepest reaches of the eldest ruins are legends of its former power however. These texts speak of inhuman feats attained by those who mastered its art and stir a great curiosity in the more eccentric minds of the world.

Despite what some critics would say, magic is indeed real and while its power has slumbered for what seems like an eternity, the stirrings of its reawakening have begun. Those attuned to the chakra that lies dormant within all mortals have begun appearing once again and it would seem that the age of magic may be returning to Eiriond.


Chakra is the mystical energy of life. It permeates through all beings and is said to be the purest element of creation. All living creatures store chakra within them, however only those born with a connection to their inner pools of chakra can manifest it in the form of Witchcraft. For much of recent history no known individuals have been born with this connection, and as such, Witchcraft has gone all but extinct.

Witchcraft and the Inner Pools

There exists twelve pools of chakra that can be accessed by mortal beings. Seven are held within the body, five exist outside of it and of those five only one is easily accessed by mortals. Those born with an innate connection to one of their inner chakra pools are known as Witches (female) or Warlocks (male). They are able to manifest this energy in the form of Hexes, Charms, and Voodoo. This is accomplished by imparting a portion of their own chakra into other mortals and/or objects in order to either help or hinder them in some way. Voodoo is much more complicated as it requires the manipulation of another’s chakra pools as well as the chakra pools of the caster own, but the basic concept is the same. All mortals contain a similar amount of chakra within each inner pool. A Witch/Warlock’s aptitude and strength is directly related to the amount of chakra pools they have unlocked.

The Seven Inner Chakra Pools Are:

1: The Base (Or Root) Chakra

Associated most commonly with the color Red, The Root Chakra is found at the base of the spine, near the tailbone. This pool is closest to the ground and those attuned to it are usually physically reliable and strong. Endurance and proper balance are also possible traits.

2: The Sacral (Or Navel) Chakra

Associated most commonly with the color Orange, The Sacral Chakra is found directly beneath the navel and those attuned to it are usually associated with passion and physical and emotional desire. These individuals are usually sexual promiscuous and impulsive. Unpredictable emotional swings and sensitivity are also possible traits.

3: The Solar Chakra

Associated most commonly with the color Yellow, The Solar Chakra is found on the Solar Plexus, directly above the Navel. Those attuned to it are usually bubbly and optimistic. These individuals are excessively positive and extremely determined. Intense ambition and blind optimism are also possible traits.

4: The Heart Chakra

Associated most commonly with the color Green, The Heart Chakra is located in the Heart (wow such surprise). Those attuned to it are usually associated with deeper emotional connection and physical health. These individuals  are resistant to disease due to naturally powerful immune systems and usually seek complete emotional fulfillment in all aspects of their life, especially in regards to love. Honesty and dependability are other possible traits.

5: The Throat Chakra

Associated most commonly with the color Blue, The Throat Chakra is located at the top of the throat, and into the ears. Those attuned to it are usually associated with heightened awareness and excellent articulatory skills. These individuals are very alert and can charm almost anyone with their words alone. Punctuality and paranoia are also possibly traits.

6: The Third Eye Chakra

Associated most commonly with the color Indigo, The Third Eye Chakra is located behind the brow. Those attuned to it are usually associated with wisdom and spiritual awareness. These individuals are hyper aware chakra levels in their immediate environment and are usually keepers/pursuers of knowledge. Skepticism and sensitivity to magic are also possible traits.

7: The Crown Chakra

Associated most commonly with the color Violet, The Crown Chakra is found at the top of the head. Those attuned to it are usually associated with blissfulness and higher understanding. These individuals usually see beyond facts and are able to perceive deeper meaning in all things. They naturally fall into states of meditation and harmony. Calm and condescension are also possible traits.

In terms of Witches and Warlocks, personality is the largest deciding factor in which pool they are initially attuned too at birth. However, for one who is borned attuned, they are able to unlock access to the other chakra pools given time and training. By gaining the emotional, mental, and physical traits seen in individuals that are attuned to other chakra pools, a Witch or Warlock can unlock a second, third, or even fourth (fifth and sixth in the case of Elves) pool  doubling, tripling, and quadrupling, ect, the chakra available to them. The more chakra available the more powerful the Witch or Warlock.

*For any questions regarding specifics with Chakra pools and how magic manifest in Eiriond please pm @Ner0.

Alchemy and The Outer Pools

In addition to the Seven Inner Chakra Pools there exists five outer pool. In the ancient times of Eiriond it was discovered that these chakra pools could be accessed by people without innate connections to their own chakra through the use of specific symbols and rituals. The practitioners of this art were known as Alchemists and while Alchemy persists as a practice today, the magically side of the craft has been all but lost. Unlike Witchcraft where chakra energy is applied to a living creature of object in order to boost or inhibit certain traits, alchemy uses the chakra that permeates naturally in order to transform the outside world. The laws of equivalent exchange apply to all alchemical spells and one cannot create something from nothing. As long as the materials are present however, Alchemy’s potential is seemingly limitless.

All Alchemical symbols and rituals access only one of the outer chakra pools This pool is the pool that permeates all of physical reality. Known as The World Chakra, the other four pools are beyond mortal understanding and are unfortunately inaccessible at this time. However, I will take the time to name them for reference purposes:

1: The World Chakra

This is The Chakra that permeates the physical realm, all living beings replenish their own chakra stores from this pool

2: The Spirit (Or Time) Chakra

This Chakra permeates through time itself and is said to represent the fourth dimensional plane.

3: The Soul Chakra

It is said that all beings have an innate connection to the realm that contains this chakra pool, regardless not much is known of it.

4: The Sentient Chakra

Also referred to the Chakra of Mind over Matter. This pool of chakra is deeply connected to the mechanics of sentience and free will and is said to be the root of both mechanisms within mortal beings.

5: The Unity Chakra

This Chakra is said to permeate chakra itself. It is theorized that this chakra is the chakra that allows all other chakra to manifest and as such acts as the unifying force of all levels of existence.

If an Alchemist was able to unlock one of the intangible four chakra pools they would become extremely powerful, however it is likely that a mortal could only manage comprehension of one of them.


For a long time now Magic has been dead in Eiriond. Only recently is it beginning to reawaken in mortal beings. While the texts that explain the mechanics of alchemy do exist, they have been lost to modern civilization and await discovery in the ruins of civilizations long fallen. In light of this I personally recommend speaking to @B l u E s privately if you wish for your character to unlock magical potential later in the rp, as it is unlikely any character will be allowed to start with magical powers of any kind.

A final note: While it is possible for a Witch or Warlock to become an Alchemist, the reverse is not possible, as you must be born with an innate connection to one of your chakra pools in order to perform Witchcraft.

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