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Spirituality & Wisdom

Believed to be the offspring Zuras and Ysmir, Elves are similar in appearance to Valekians but are much fairer and wiser. They have greater spiritual power and are keener in senses, and have much more empathy with nature. They generally fight for the good side (A few turned evil and selfish in the past) and are fierce in their battle. They are more ancient than Valekians in their history but very secretive.

However, despite being semi-divine beings who are friendly with nature and animals, they are not immortals. They have a longeval life that could span for millenniums



Also known as winged elves, is a very rare type of elf. They are instinct in the known land and were only present at the time of the dragons millenniums ago. Nothing is left of them in Eadith and Khauran. It is believed they were slain during a war that took place before Valekians even roamed the lands.



Also known as dark elves, they are a subpopulation that is believed to have been cursed by their patron God Zuras for not following his teachings. Their skin turned to grayish tons to represent their 'rotten' core, or so legends say. They mainly worship the god of the afterlife, Aher. Hence, why many see them negatively, especially other elves.

Homeland: Dareen Grove

Dialect: Talanian


Strangely enough, those who speak Talanian can understand the Tarian language... But someone who does not have knowledge on the Talanian slang tend to not understand them at all. 



Also known as faeries, Silvis are a type of elves very small, almost the size of a bumblebee that guards the magical forests of the mainland. They are the Guardians of the dense forest of Metsa. Due to the abuse of Valekians and some other races such as oikrucs, they have a particular disdain for their like of empathy towards nature and their smelly bare skin.


They currently have an alliance with the Jotaig tribe and the Grus.


Homeland: Melilad, Khauran.

They speak perfect Tarian.



This section will give you an in-depth description of the rich culture of the Elves and their history.


Elves have a long history in the realm of Eiriond. They have seen multiple civilizations go down and seen many empires take over. They, in fact, predicted that the power of the Kevalum would eventually falter. It didn't come to their surprise, but they didn't particularly like it either.

Between them, Elves are relatively at peace. They have sometimes tensions bertween due to differences and perspectives in the world, but overall, they follow the same ruler in Eadith and Khauran, Lord Elhael the Wise one. He was chosen centuries ago by his people in a 'democratic' like environment.

Their most sacred cities are Anenfiel (The Hand of Autumn's Lake), Himring (Cold City), & Lothladen (Flower of the Plain)


The language the elves speak is Tarian. The Elves have different accents and dialects of course, as most other races in Eiriond. Only, their language is considered the most beautiful of all and it is the most elegant of all. It is learned by many and it is the language of literature and poetry in Khauran, Eadith, and Shegura for that matter.


The elves have a much different life cycle as Valekians or any other races in the realm of Eiriond. By the first year of their upbringing, they can talk and dance. By the fifth year, they already reached puberty. The reason why is because their minds develop much more swiftly than other races. Hence, why they seem much older than what they actually are. Something important to note though is that they are not considered adults until they live a hundred years.

So, this rapid development of maturity makes the fairest and wisest of all races. Their knowledge is their strength and their feather-like weight is their grace. They are very agile and equals to Khaddorians in that matter, but not as strong.

Their healing capabilities are their biggest perk. Normal wounds that would be lethal to normal mortals can easily be healed during a fight.

The only way they can die is by being physically slain or by letting go of themselves due to grief or weariness.

To be noted, due to their long lives, Elves typically have one to two kids. Rarely do they ever have three. It is, in some way, seen as very unwise.

Lastly, there are special perks to each sub races of Elves not mentioned in this section.


Elves have a special bond with magic. They are born with it and are able to unlock different skills that help them control different elements of Sizona (energy). It is one of their many blessings from their Gods.

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